Order Pack
/api/v2/orders/fulfill/pack/Use this API to confirm order ready to pack.
Seller Shipping/Platform Shipping: Seller arranges their own shipping, and upload a tracking number and courier.
Boxme Shipping: Do not call this API.
Boxme tracking number
Courier tracking code
Courier name
Shipping label 10x15cm. Allow pdf, png
SLA based on marketplace requirement
Time the order created on the sales channel
Fulfill the order within 30 minutes. (set to True for instant services or immediate service requests)
Fulfill the order within 2 hours. (Set to True for high-priority orders or when there is over-selling on the marketplace. This prompts the warehouse to prioritize processing.)
"tracking_number": "BM889493738484",
"self_shipment": {
"courier_tracking_code": "JNT45453434343",
"courier_name": "GHN"
"handover_method": "pickup",
"shipping_label": "https://storage.googleapis.com/boxme-cloud/label/2023/11/OWRhYTNmODUtMGViNS00NjYwLWFlYWYtMmRjOGQzYzg3YWFh_gfw.png",
"fulfill_vas": "now",
"fulfill_sla_time": 0,
"store_created_time": 0
Request samples
Shipping URL
Boxme Tracking number
Courier Name
Boxme Service Code
"data": {
"label_url": "https://s.boxme.asia/api/v1/orders/awb-label/MzEwZWNmYTktYWY1Zi00OTM2LTk4M2EtYmE2MGM5YmYxN2Ez",
"tracking_number": "BM65221104356",
"courier_name": "J&T Express",
"service_code": "BM_DBS"
"error": false,
"error_code": "",
"messages": "Update pack order successfully.",
"request_id": 1703485822,
"total": 0